The Kyoto International Manga Museum is easily the best field trip destination ever


Sincerest apologies for falling off the face of the Earth… I’ve been busy and tired and trying to balance consciousness of current events with the anxiety that comes with living in such fragile and violent times. But I’ve also been happy, incredibly so. Every day, I re-remember that I’m actually here, doing what I’ve worked so hard for, and the anxiety or homesickness or impostor syndrome or whatever I’m struggling with doesn’t seem as overwhelming.

I am going to post in one way or another about as many of my experiences as possible, especially big/stressful things like my travel days, but I’ve accepted that if I try to write and post everything in strictly chronological order I’ll literally never get this blog up to date. So… I humbly request your patience with my wonky posting schedule.

But enough about my quest for time management skills! I know you’re here for actual content!

A week ago my Business of Japanese Pop Culture class took a field trip to the Kyoto International Manga Museum, which is located in the former building of a Meiji-era elementary school. It was an incredibly interesting, fun experience, and I want to go back as soon as I can. And as an added bonus, our homework for today was to do a writeup on some aspect of the experience—whatever we felt inspired to reflect on—which happened to yield a nice little blog post! Maybe it’s cheating to use something I wrote for class on here (self-plagiarism is a thing!) but since no one’s going to come along and grade my blog I don’t think I need to worry about potential academic dishonesty. Check it out under the cut!

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